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Warms up an Upscaler instance. For more info, see the guide on warming up.


const upscaler = new Upscaler();
patchSize: 64,
padding: 2,
}]).then(() => {
console.log('All warmed up!');
Defined in upscaler.ts:195


  • warmupSizes: WarmupSizes - Denotes how to warm the model up.
  • options?: - A set of warm up arguments.
    • signal?: AbortSignal - Provides a mechanism to abort the warmup process. For more, see the guides on cancelling requests.
    • awaitNextFrame?: boolean - If provided, upscaler will await tf.nextFrame() on each cycle. This allows enhancement operations to more often release the UI thread, and can make enhancement operations more responsive to abort signals or.


  • number - a number representing both the size (width and height) of the patch.
  • {patchSize: number; padding?: number} - an object with the patchSize and optional padding properties.
  • number[] - an array of numbers representing the size (width and height) of the patch.
  • {patchSize: number; padding?: number}[] - an array of objects with the patchSize and optional padding properties.

